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One Home Automation System Can Control Your Entire Home

Manage Your Home Effortlessly with Easy-to-Use Technology

One Home Automation System Can Control Your Entire Home

Do you remember when the rapid advancements in technology promised an easier life? We would have more time on our hands, and technology would do many of the mundane tasks that people perform. Remember? Instead, we have about five different remotes for our many electronics, plus a few relics in our drawers. 

Today, people use about nine mobile apps every day, and our personal time is getting eaten away by the many social media platforms. If you’ve delved into smart home technology, you may have a separate app for your many devices—one for your lights, another for security, some for appliances, and others for your TVs and music devices. Somewhere along our technology timeline, the promise of ease transformed into more complicated and time-consuming affairs. 

Fortunately, there is a better way to spend your time, and technology can help. It’s called a smart home automation system. Let’s explore how these systems revolutionize homes in Vero Beach, FL, and the surrounding areas.

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What Is a Home Automation System?

A home automation system is a platform that manages all of your smart home devices and systems. At Definitive Electronics, we partner with leading smart home brands in the industry—companies that create technology designed for ease of use. One of these is Control4. As an open platform, it integrates with over 14,000 devices, which connect to the platform and to each other through the internet, creating an ecosystem of interconnected devices. 

Now, all your once disparate systems work together, whether through one touch on a designated touchscreen, in-wall keypad, remote, or mobile device or via voice control. Even better, we’ll program your home to manage itself automatically, performing specific tasks at certain times of the day. 

Technology Made Easy

Now, your irrigation system automatically turns on when the landscape is dry, and no rain is in the forecast. When you pull into the driveway at night, your garage door opens, your first-floor lights illuminate, and the doors unlock. In the morning, you wake to your “Good Morning” playlist softly streaming through your home and shades slowly rising, enabling you to greet another beautiful day in Florida effortlessly.

These platforms can integrate your shades, lighting, climate, appliances, pool, spa, security, and all your TVs, stereos, and other music devices. When it's time for bed, you tap the "Good Night" button, and your smart home goes to sleep, locking doors, arming the alarm, and turning off all the lights and AV equipment. When you’re away, you can manage your whole home from your mobile device. 

At Definitive Electronics, we specialize in customized, easy-to-use technology that provides our clients with the best home automation solutions for their lifestyles. We're there for them through the years as their smart home needs grow and change and technology advances. To learn more about home automation or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Definitive Electronics today. 

1097 Jupiter Park Lane Ste. 3
Jupiter, FL 33458

phone:  561.748.3564

Member of ExcellenceHTA Certified

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