The Heart of Your Smart Home: A Reliable Home Network
Ensure Corner-to-Corner Internet Coverage in Your Smart Home

Do you remember when our home’s internet connections consisted of a few laptops, a desktop, and maybe a gaming console? Those days are long gone. Today, homes in the U.S. have, on average, about 22 connected devices. If your home’s a smart home, that number increases significantly.
In a smart home, your smart devices connect to your home automation platform and to each other. This allows for whole-home interconnectivity—the shades that automatically lower when the temperature increases and the lights that brighten when the shades lower. Your home network system is the heart of your smart home. When your network is down or sluggish, your smart home will not respond as it should.
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The Signs Your Network Isn’t Up to Par
There are a few signs that suggest your network needs an upgrade. One of them is that annoying buffering that occurs while watching your favorite Netflix series. In many cases, this is due to a slow internet connection and usually means that you have more traffic than bandwidth, causing delays.
Think of your bandwidth as the lanes of a freeway. As more devices use the network, cars pile up, and eventually, bottlenecks appear. Some of your bandwidth hogs are video conferencing, video streaming and downloading, and online video gaming.
Do you notice your connected devices slow down considerably when everyone gets home from work and school? Maybe web pages take longer to download, or you experience dropped calls. This is a sign that your home does not have the bandwidth to support multiple connected devices.
Has your smart home stopped responding? One of the features people love in a smart home is voice activation. is a voice assistant that was built specifically for smart homes. Tell Josh to lower the shades and tune into Blacklist; he knows you mean the shades in the living room and that Blacklist is found on Netflix. However, Josh needs a strong internet connection to pass on the information to your smart devices. If you notice they're slow to respond, it's time to take a deeper look into your home network.
The Problem with Internet Service Provider Solutions
Many rely on the router, modem, and wireless network their ISP provides. This solution may not work in a smart home. In these cases, you’ll notice dead spots in Wi-Fi coverage, particularly in the corners of your home and outdoor areas.
The Solution
At Definitive Electronics, our certified technicians install network systems specifically designed for smart homes. We’ll determine your current usage and what solutions best serve you and your family. Many of our clients want to ensure a strong internet connection from corner to corner and out into their yards.
To support this type of connection, we may suggest updating your router and switches or integrating wireless access points to increase coverage. In some cases, you may be better served by hardwiring your house with Cat 6 Ethernet cable to take some of the pressure off your Wi-Fi system.
Every family and situation is different. For this reason, we customize your network system to ensure the best solution. To learn more about assessing your home network system or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Definitive Electronics today.